Sandi Boudreau
Hope | Simplicity | Health | Fun
Hi! My name is Sandi and I'm so glad you're here. Why? Because not that long ago I was probably in the same situation you're in right now: Searching for healthier options in life.
The good news? I found those options with Young Living, and my life and family haven't been the same since!
Whether you're on the hunt for natural ways to support your health to non-toxic ways to clean your home, I can promise you that Young Living products will change your world. Contact me with any questions. I love helping people get started with Young Living!

Hi, I'm Sandi!
Hi, I’m Sandi! I share stories about my family & our journey to wholeness and wellness! My blog includes posts about our miracle 24-weeker micropreemie, Journey Rose! I also LOVE Young Living and shared recently here about how I got started.
I LOVE offering hope and helping people get started with Young Living. Let’s do this together! I’d love to help you get safe, plant-based products from Young Living!
The Young Living Farms I've Visited!
Young Living is unique in that they allow you to visit their worldwife farms. Talk about transparency! Below are the farms I've personally been to, and watched the Seed to Seal® process in action!
A Few of My Oily Milestones

My Upcoming Events
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Young Living Success Tips
Let's do this!
My Young Living Story
Written by Sandi on March 28, 2018I’ve not shared this but am inspired to today. (Originally shared here.)
It really doesn’t seem like very long ago that I lived in this mobile home with my Mom.
That’s me in the pink coat. I stopped by last Christmas.
I lived in the front bedroom on the right. It was maybe 7×7? My twin bed touched both ends of the wall.
There were holes in the floor. One day a baby raccoon snuck in through a hole under the bathroom sink and hid under my bed for a while.
I had no full-time job, no clear purpose. I remember my future was the actual color black. Depressed, I believed a lie that I had no future. Of course I didn’t see it as a lie.
One night I drove my musty old car I’d bought for around $2400 over to the railroad tracks. I had to go somewhere to cry otherwise people would hear. Not because the windows were open, but because walls of a mobile home are thin. And don’t forget the holes in the floor. Gotta have a little humor – this is kinda heavy!
I sobbed that night at the tracks. Considered ending it all. Felt so completely broken and misunderstood and lost and hopeless. And in the darkness I couldn’t figure out why in the world I was alive. I tear up going back to this moment.
I went back to school, finished my degree two years later, got a job, reconnected with the best man I’d ever met (10 years earlier). Since 10 years later he was still the best guy I’d ever met, I married him.
After a couple years, I lost 3 little babies via miscarriage. I felt lost and hopeless and the lies crept back in. I felt like a failure.
I started making changes during that third miscarriage. We got rid of our memory foam mattress first and replaced it with a bed that doesn’t off-gas harsh chemicals like formaldehyde. We also started with Young Living. We began eating better and switching out toxic products for healthier ones.
I decided to share about these changes with others almost immediately. It was not hard to make that decision. I loved what I was learning and experiencing and loved helping people. My name means helper, in fact. And when I was little I wanted to grow up and be a…maid. It was fitting for me to dig in and clean up the mess of my own health and life and then help others do the same.
If you have hope to offer someone, offer it. That’s all I needed. I needed someone to offer it to me. Thank you, Courtney. Forever grateful you showed me Young Living. Glad I asked for your referral number since you didn’t give it to me. *haha* Love you.
Anyway, here we are. I am blessed beyond measure to be a wife and a mom to Journey Rose. Best job. We get to live for a season on Kauai and work our jobs from home. My main “job” w/Young Living gives me the opportunity to help and serve and be a conduit of all God gives, and work with the most incredible life-giving people.
It should go without saying, but my life isn’t perfect. It still rains here. I still have trailer park days and nights. We run out of toilet paper. I burn the toast. I still have entire seasons of valleys. But in every valley, there’s a climb. And in every climb we can choose to look up.
If you’re in a tough place KNOW that clarity and direction is coming your way. Ask God for it. When you see it, run toward it, grab it and don’t let it go. If you’re ready for a healthy change in some area of your life, Young Living is the simplest option. Already a member? Dive into it. Switch out all the things. Get that chemical filled hormone disrupting makeup switched out. Ditch your cleaners. Know better. Do better.
Whatever area you need change in, have hope. But don’t just sit. Must move. Don’t just stay where you are and hope for change. Make a choice. And if you need change in some area, don’t keep doing the same thing. Do something different. Step out in bold faith and confidence and belief and change your story.
My story is mine. You have one too. You know it’s not over, right? You’re not at the “The End” yet. So what’s your next chapter?
I see what can happen. I’ve experienced it. My trailer park past is a gift. Why? Because it shows me anyone can transform their life. Anyone. It is a gift because it helps me believe in YOU. And that’s probably the greatest gift I can give you. Thankful for those who have believed in me. It’s truly one of the very best gifts we can give others. And it’s free!
Contact Sandi
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