WELCOME! The trainings in this course are geared to sharpen your focus and save you time as you build your confidence and belief.
Learn from top leaders about how to connect, share, enroll, teach and build a successful network marketing business. The key to success is building leaders and helping them be successful.
This is VITAL for you to understand from the get-go. It's crucial for your business success to understand why and how to strategically place your new members and grow your business.
If you offer the most excellent customer service for your members, they will know exactly what to do when they enroll too!
Your first goal is always sharing & enrolling! But as you begin building a larger business, you need to understand how the comp plan works. Don't worry... We make it easy!
Learn to use Social Media effectively, without becoming slimy and spammy. Be authentically YOU and draw people to you with your social media presence!
You will grow as you build and you will build as you grow. Take time to learn from top leaders in Young Living to give you a hundred hour jumpstart!