Kathryn Ritchie

Hope | Simplicity | Health | Fun


Hi! My name is Kathryn and I'm so glad you're here. Why? Because not that long ago I was probably in the same situation you're in right now: Searching for healthier options in life.

The good news? I found those options with Young Living, and my life and family haven't been the same since!

Whether you're on the hunt for natural ways to support your health to non-toxic ways to clean your home, I can promise you that Young Living products will change your world. Contact me with any questions. I love helping people get started with Young Living!

B.S. Biblical Studies Moody Bible Institute, M.A. Christianity and Culture Knox Theological Seminary, M.A. Theology New Testament emphasis Knox Theological Seminary, one year of law school before becoming a mommy (someday when my kids are grown I'm going to finish!)
Wife, Mommy to 4 (one with food allergies), lover of coffee and boba tea and Getty music. In the past was Congressional Aide in Washington, DC, Women's Ministry Director at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Bible study leader
Using Oils Since February 09, 2025
Houston, Texas, TX Essential Oils Distributor
YL Member #: 2106731
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Hi, I'm Kathryn! Essential oils have been a huge help to me as a wife and mom and to my children (especially my son who has numerous health issues and food allergies). I actually have 4 children (after struggling with infertility... my 4 miracles!) Oils have been such a hope giver for our family and have really given me confidence and more grace in all the stresses and tiring days - and in all the rich blessings and fantastic joys - of being a mom.

    Please use my info to contact me about Young Living!

    Kathryn Ritchie

    Kathryn Ritchie

    Lives in Houston, Texas TX

    Member No. 2106731

    Hi, I'm Kathryn!

    I love that movie.  And I want to be her.  Well, not exactly her.  But I want to be Wonder Woman Kathryn – great woman, wife, mom.  But often I feel as if I’m just hanging on for dear life as I survive yet another day of crazy (wonderful but crazy) with my five small children (7 and under… all true miracles as we struggled with infertility and doctors said we would not have children) and a (dreamy) husband who works long hours on the business he owns.  One of my children has special health issues and food allergies so that adds an  intense dynamic into the mix as we fight for his little body to heal.

    There have been times I’ve felt as if I’m sinking… I firmly believe that, because of Christ, I will not be overwhelmed.  He is the ROCK that is higher than I.  And I told my husband many years ago that overwhelmed needs to never be in my vocabulary.  But still… sometimes I feel “whelmed”… its my way of saying I’m feeling overwhelmed without actually admitting it I guess. ha!  Well then I discovered oils.  And really truly they have been a game changer for me.  And for my family.  I use them all day and have seen a huge difference in my family’s health and my ability to handle physical and emotional stress.  Through essential oils I have gained greater hope and confidence in my ability to be the Wonder Woman God has made me to be.

    I would love to share with your more about my oils journey as we encourage each other in being the women that God has given us the victory to be physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Remember He DELIGHTS over us with singing, calls you and I His royal diadems and crowns of glory in His hand, and is truly the Rock that is higher than us as He helps His children weather every season and storm in our lives.

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      Please use my info to contact me about Young Living!

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