Jessica Johnson

Hope | Simplicity | Health | Fun


Hi! My name is Jessica and I'm so glad you're here. Why? Because not that long ago I was probably in the same situation you're in right now: Searching for healthier options in life.

The good news? I found those options with Young Living, and my life and family haven't been the same since!

Whether you're on the hunt for natural ways to support your health to non-toxic ways to clean your home, I can promise you that Young Living products will change your world. Contact me with any questions. I love helping people get started with Young Living!

Using Oils Since October 17, 2017
Bowling Green, Franklin, KY Essential Oils Distributor
YL Member #: 13166530
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    Jessica Johnson

    Jessica Johnson

    Lives in Bowling Green, Franklin KY

    Member No. 13166530

    Hi, I'm Jessica!

    Hi there! Coming to see anything interesting? Are you curious about essential oils? What are they? How do you use them? My name is Jessica and I too was once on this search for answers about the new ways to support my body without chemicals. I am a health insurance agent for a local owned business in my area, to which I love! I am married, with two dogs, and I inherited a son. My little family is special to me. I love to shop, dress up, and play with my dogs.

    October 2017 I began my journey to part ways with medicinal forms of help for my body, because truly who knows what it was doing to me, but it wasn’t giving me the results that I wanted. In 2016, I was diagnosed with panic anxiety disorder and was prescribed a medication to take twice daily. In the beginning that worked, everything was “happy go lucky” you could say. But at about week 3, my husband started asking me more questions about myself and how I was feeling. He described me as a zombie. The little irritating things that annoyed me before, seemed like ants to me now. I didn’t care. I had zero fear, zero anxiety, but at what cost? That medicine I was taking to find peace just ended up taking the things away that made me who I am. So I began further researching Young Living. I went to a class about their oils and decided that night I was getting started on this journey.

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    Contact Jessica

    Have questions? I'm here to help!

      Please use my info to contact me about Young Living!

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