How to Follow Up with Your New Members
We’re all about practicing good follow up because we take being an oily mentor seriously!
Remember, being a new oil user is fun, but it can be confusing at first. So let’s help them get the best start possible!
When you first enroll someone, we always recommend sending a welcome letter and/or a welcome e-mail. Some people even enjoy sending a little “thank you” goodie package, with a few pamphlets, or a roller, or some other information to help them get started. Things like the Welcome Book or the Oily Life Guide are great inexpensive tools to share with a brand new member.
We encourage you to edit this Welcome Letter Template and make it your own. Add your own personal touch and information to it!
Welcome Letter Template
Subject Line: Welcome to my oily team!
Dear (new Young Living Member’s name),
We’re excited you’ve chosen to embark on this essential oil adventure with us! You will not be going on this journey alone. You have a huge team of oilers and mentors at your fingertips! This company is committed to not only to selling a high quality product but to education, understanding, and a new lifestyle that leads to greater physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
The power of the format of this company is that you have invested upline who are specifically making time and creating opportunities to help you. They want to see you successful as you seek out wellness, purpose, abundance; or to achieve any other goals you may have in choosing these products and this company. You have also found a company that is product and people focused, meaning that you will not find “catches” or “pressures.” Our desire is simply to bring you and those you love alongside us as we learn.
I am a member of your upline and only one of many who will be eager to help you and answer your questions. The more resources you gather and the more you learn, the simpler it will be to use and see the value of your oils. Don’t forget the incredible all natural makeup line, oil-infused supplements, personal care products, and plant-based cleaners that are also available to you! These will become affordable, natural, health-producing options for your home and your health that you will value more and more as you experience all that is available.
Here are a few important notes:
If you would like to be added to our exclusive team Facebook groups, let me know and I’ll help you get added right away!
As you order in the future, you will want to take advantage of this amazing program called Essential Rewards which will help you budget for your oils, save money on shipping, and earn points for free products. Many affectionately refer to it as “Christmas Every Month” when the box arrives. It truly is a lifestyle box!
Login to your Virtual Office at and click on the “Getting Started” tab. There is so much information right there!
And certainly don’t forget the Young Living Product Blog, full of the latest information, recipes, announcements, and more.
Again, welcome, and feel free to reach out at any time! Don’t be afraid to use and get started with your newfound bottles of goodness.
Health and Blessings!
Here is a basic game plan for good Follow up!
Week 1 after enrolling someone: Mail and/or e-mail a welcome letter; give them the link to our “Unpacking Your PSK” daily email series!
Week 2: Phone call to schedule a meet up and go through kit together; if they are out of town, schedule a skype or FaceTime
Week 3: Meet up/Skype/Zoom to go through how to use the Premium Starter Kit (PSK) together
Week 4: Check on them with a call or text to see how they like the email series & how they are liking/using their oils!
Click for Scavenger Hunt Letter #6