Essential Oils – what is the buzz about?
We will take you Step by Step through our daily routines through live videos, taped videos and still shots. It is our “new normal”. “When you know better, you do better.”
We look forward to answering questions, and supporting you wherever you are in your qwest to learn more.
Come to this ONLINE Event with an open mind and an open heart and let us fill you up with inspiration.
Invite FRIENDS, Share this EVENT for opportunities to WIN prizes.
Open for 1 week. Ch
Online Intro to Essential Oils Facebook Class
Want to WIN some Lemon oil, Peppermint oil or a Seasonal Roller Bottle Blend of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint???
1Entry for Sharing this Event
1Entry for Inviting a Friend or 2 or 3
1Entry for Liking the Posts
BONUS Points What are (three) things you have learned during this Event?