Have you ever wondered about using essential oils with kids? Well, here you go! I’m a Mom of two boys, ages Four and Two. So, I have been using oils on my kids for quite a while. I started using them on them when my oldest was about 11 months old and they have been a SERIOUS game changer for our family!
Have you ever wondered about using essential oils with kids? Well, here you go! I’m a Mom of two boys, ages Four and Two. So, I have been using oils on my kids for quite a while. I started using them on them when my oldest was about 11 months old and they have been a SERIOUS game changer for our family!
I’m going to cover all the basics. Then, give you the tools and resources you will need to use these game changers with your kids! A simple and short class online. Just follow the link at the date and time you RSVP’d for!!
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